UV Flexo Special Effects

PureFX® Scratch off

Our UV flexo scratch-off ink and varnish system is press ready to suit your needs.

UV Flexo Special Effects-UV Flexo Special Effects-scratch off panel

PureFX® Scratch-Off

Interactive, secure labels that are up to scratch. Our UV flexo scratch-off ink and varnish system is press-ready to suit your needs.

Our PureFX® UV flexo scratch-off ink and varnish system provides basic security and interactivity on game pieces, magazine inserts, and direct mail materials for promotional purposes.

With excellent printability and scratch-off release, these stable one pack silver metallic inks and our UV flexo black ink are press-ready for optimal throughput. Along with our optically bright UV varnish, it can be combined with various solutions to make a system that’ll scratch any itch.

PureFX Scratch-Off

Interactive, secure labels that are up to scratch. Our UV flexo scratch-off ink and varnish system is press-ready to suit your needs.

Our PureFX UV flexo scratch-off ink and varnish system provides basic security and interactivity on game pieces, magazine inserts, and direct mail materials for promotional purposes.

With excellent printability and scratch-off release, these stable one pack silver metallic inks and our UV flexo black ink are press-ready for optimal throughput. Along with our optically bright UV varnish, it can be combined with various solutions to make a system that’ll scratch any itch.

UV Flexo Special Effects-UV Flexo Special Effects-scratch off panel

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